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B5 Project
境物虛擬 / 劉和讓 個展


Boundary Substance in Virtual / Liu Ho Jang Solo Exhibition
「起初應該只有四個人,也可能有五個。基本上和身體所需的數量一致。一名農夫,以滿足食物之需;一名泥瓦匠,以滿足住房之需;一名紡織工人,以滿足穿衣之需;另外再添上一名鞋匠和另外一名勞動者以提供物質上的必需品。柏拉圖的理想國宣告成立。」—— 雅克・朗西埃《哲學家和他的窮人們》

「境物虛擬」的展覽現場,被築起的現成物完成於「非現成物」的裝置,在狀似生產線的帶狀中,複寫mt. black畫廊空間所展開的兩軸線。以裝置作為《伍眾會計劃》的影像「後製」,攝影與物質存在於空間與時間中相為主體的推演,展中的裝置與不在場的《伍眾會計劃》影像檔案辯證著虛擬與真實。

“In the beginning there would be four persons. Maybe five. Just about as many as the needs of the body. A farmer for food, a mason for housing, a weaver for clothing. To these let us add a shoemaker and some other worker to provide for material necessities. This is how Plato's republic presents itself.” --- Jacques Rancière, The Philosopher and His Poor.
In the exhibition Boundary Substance in Virtual (2017), Liu attempts to discuss the concept of “image” with the cross-inference of photography and substance. A “non-readymade” installation is completed with ready-mades. Two axes, departing from a strip that resembles a production line and from duplicating the mt. black “gallery” space, are intercrossed and interpreted inside the art museum. Using B-5 Project photo book as pre-preparation, the translation of objects in the space of mt. black is dialectic with the image files of the B-5 Project which is not there, each becoming one another’s virtual and reality.
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